Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 2: Baños


1) Jogging around laguna Quilotoa "trato trotar porque es muy alto y difícil!" I tried to run, but turns out running at 12,000+ feet (on rolling terrain) is tough!  Views of the lake and the clouds rolling in over the mountains were worth every second of panting, though...

 My friend Leo followed me to the lake...

2) Traveled back to Latacunga and on to Baños, through the mountainous indigenous Kichwa agricultural communities.  It was a beautiful ride and I was amazed at how they can cultivate such steep land.  Unfortunately, the bus was jam packed (I was lucky to get a seat), so I was not able to get any pictures...

3) Spanish lessons got personal as we discussed relationships and nuestros novios (past, present...and future?!).  Spanish makes explaining my love life easy...one word: amigovio. :)

4) Arrived in Baños and proceeded to try to kill my teacher with another steep climb up to a lookout over town:

5) Walked to see the water fall and the thermal springs that make the town famous "Baños de la Virgen" 


 Tomorrow's agenda: climbing the basalt walls of Baños!!! :D

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